How To Make Money In Grad School: 20 Easy And Smart Ways(2022)

How to make money in grad school

How to make money in grad school: 20 easy and smart ways for grad students to earn alternative income. Best Side Hustles For Grad Students. How Can I Be Successful In Graduate School?

How to make money in grad school? That’s easy. If you’re like many grad students, however, you probably already know that,  but figuring out how to go about it can be tricky. 

To help you out, we have put together a list of 20 smart ways to make money in grad school that might be just what you need to get yourself on the right track to earning alternative income while pursuing your advanced degree.

Best Side Hustles For Grad Students

1. Content Writing for blogs and small businesses.

2. Manage social media accounts for small businesses.

3. Start a YouTube Channel and Earn huge money through Adsense.

4. Sell items you create or design, like arts and crafts.

5. Prepare Courses on what you’re good at and put them up for sale on many platforms.

6. Become an assistant at an event company

7. Take over the marketing for a business

How To Make Money In Grad School:

Through eBay:

They have monthly specials where they offer free listing upgrades. 

You’ll get more exposure to buyers and who knows, maybe someone will buy something you’ve had sitting around collecting dust. 

Be sure to list the item in Good Condition and include lots of pictures. 

If the item has flaws then list it as Used or Acceptable Condition.

Take surveys:

Survey websites usually pay between $5-$50 each depending on length, complexity, etc., and take just 10 minutes to complete. 

Some popular ones are:

  • Swagbucks
  • Harris Poll Online
  • Toluna
  • PaidViewpoint
  • Pinecone Research. 

They all work similarly, you sign up and answer a series of short questions about products or services offered by major companies. 

In return, you’ll receive points called Swagbucks that can be redeemed for prizes such as Amazon gift cards or PayPal cash donations. 

Tutoring online:

This is a great way to help people struggling with their homework assignments. 

There are several websites such as:

  • Chegg Tutors
  • Studybay
  • TutorVista
  • Brainfuse and 
  • TutorSpot connects tutors with clients seeking help. 

The best thing about this option is the hours are flexible and you set your own rates.

8. Sell Printables on Etsy

Etsy is a great platform for selling printables because it’s an established marketplace with a built-in audience of potential buyers. 

Plus, setting up your shop on Etsy is quick and easy. 

To get started, create some adorable printables, list them in your shop, and start promoting your products. 

Tips for selling things on Etsy: How to sell things on Etsy fast.

  1. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions to help your items show up in search results. 
  2. Include keywords in your tags so people can find what they’re looking for more easily. 
  3. Include a short description of the product, why you made it, and how you can customize the item (especially if someone can request changes). 
  4. Keep photos of all the finished projects you’ve sold by adding them to your blog or website so that potential customers can see what they’ll be getting when they buy from you.

9. Tutoring

One of the best ways to make extra money in grad school is to tutor undergraduates. 

You can work with students one-on-one or in small groups, and you can set your own hours. 

If you’re knowledgeable in a particular subject, tutoring can be a great way to share your knowledge and make some extra cash.

To find potential clients, you can contact your university’s academic advising office or post flyers around campus.

10. Research assistant jobs

Graduate students can often find work as research assistants. 

This is a great way to get paid while also gaining valuable experience in your field. 

To find a research assistant job, talk to your professors or look for postings on your school’s website. 

Once you’ve found a position, be sure to ask about the pay rate so you can budget accordingly.

11. Freelance Gigs On Fiverr

Fiverr is a great way for graduate students to make some extra money. 

You can offer your services as a tutor, researcher, editor, or even just a virtual assistant. 

Plus, there are no set hours, so you can work as much or as little as you want.

Start by creating a profile on Fiverr. Include your skills, education, and experience in your profile so that potential clients can see what you have to offer.

12. Technical Writer

As a technical writer, you will be responsible for creating, editing, and maintaining documentation for technical products or services. 

In order to be successful in this role, you must have excellent writing skills, as well as the ability to understand complex technical concepts. 

You will also need to be able to work independently and manage your time effectively. 

If you are interested in becoming a technical writer, to get started, consider pursuing a degree or certificate in technical writing.

13. SAT Proctor

Proctoring the SAT is a great way to make some extra money while still being able to study for your own exams. 

Plus, it’s a relatively low-stress job and you can usually set your own hours. 

To become a proctor, simply contact your local SAT testing center and inquire about becoming a test administrator. 

Once you’re certified, you can start Proctoring.

14. eBay Flippe

One way to make some extra cash as a grad student is to eBay flip. 

This involves finding low-cost items at thrift stores or garage sales and reselling them on eBay for a higher price. 

To be successful at this, you need to be able to find good deals and have some knowledge of what people are willing to pay for certain items. 

15. Substitute Teaching

If you’re looking for a way to make some extra money while you’re in grad school, substitute teaching might be a good option for you. 

It can be a flexible way to work around your class schedule, and you can often choose the days and times that you work. 

Plus, you’ll get the opportunity to work with a variety of different age groups and subject matter.

16. Teaching Assistant

Being a teaching assistant (TA) is a great way to make money in grad school. 

Not only do you get paid an hourly wage, but you also get paid vacation days and holidays. 

Plus, you get to work with students and help them learn the material. It’s a win-win.

17. Affiliate Marketing

You can make money through affiliate marketing by promoting products or services that you believe in and receive a commission on every sale that you generate. 

To be successful, choose a niche that you are passionate about and build a website or blog around it. 

Then, start promoting products or services through affiliate links. 

You can also join affiliate marketing programs like Amazon Associates or ClickBank to find products to promote.

18. Take Online Surveys

Online surveys are a great way for grad students to make some extra money. 

They’re usually quick and easy, and you can do them in your spare time. 

19. Consulting

Consultancy is a great way to make extra money while you’re still in school. 

You can use your skills and knowledge to help businesses solve problems, and you can set your own rates. 

Best of all, you can often do this work remotely, so it won’t interfere with your studies.

 20. Try driving for Uber or Lyft

Use your car to drive people around town in exchange for tips.

How To Earn Passive Income In Grad School

There are a number of ways to earn passive income while in grad school. 

You can start by looking into methods that will help you save money on expenses, such as finding scholarships and grants. 

You can also look into ways to make extra money, such as freelancing or becoming a tutor

Additionally, consider investing in stocks, real estate, or other assets that can generate passive income over time.

Tips On How To Make Money In Grad School

  • Get a part-time job:

One of the best ways to start earning some extra cash is by getting a part-time job. 

Check with your campus career center or search online for part-time jobs in your area of interest. 

You might find one that pays well or even comes with benefits like health insurance. You can also search on sites like 

Monster, Indeed, Craigslist, and Simply Hired for listings near you. 

  1. Find out if you’re eligible for grants

A grant is an award of financial aid from a government agency (or other organization) that does not need to be repaid. 

For example, many schools offer graduate assistantships which typically provide full tuition coverage plus a stipend of $25k-$35k per year. 

Other scholarships are available too so be sure to check your eligibility before giving up hope.

How To Save Money During Grad School

Grad school can be expensive, but there are plenty of ways to save money. 

Here are a few tips to help you save money during your graduate education: 

  • Budgeting is important

Plan out how much you need each month to cover rent, food, transportation costs and other expenses. 

  • Find a roommate or two if possible. 

Rent prices tend to be lower per person this way. 

  • Start saving early 

Investigate the investment options that work best for you so that you have enough time to learn about them before grad school begins or right after graduation when it’s too late. 

FAQ: How to make money in grad school: 20 easy and smart ways for grad students to earn alternative income

How Can I Be Successful In Graduate School?

There’s no one answer to this question, as success depends on what you want to achieve and what field you’re in. 

However, there are some general tips that can help you out. 

First, get organized and develop a good study system. 

This will help you make the most of your time and maximize your productivity. 

Second, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. 

Whether it’s from a professor or a fellow student, asking for assistance can make a big difference.

How To Make Money During Phd

There are a number of ways that graduate students can make some extra money. 

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Offer tutoring services to undergraduates or fellow graduate students. 

You can advertise your services online or through word-of-mouth.

  1. Work as a teaching assistant. 

This is a great way to gain experience and earn some extra cash.

  1. Conduct research for a professor or group. 

Some professors may be willing to pay for work on their current projects, especially if they have funding from an outside agency. 4. Offer writing services such as editing, transcription, and translation from English into another language. 

  1. Sell homemade items such as jewelry, clothing, baked goods, or soap at craft fairs or online.

What To Consider When Looking For A Grad School Job

  1. Make a list of your skills and what you’re good at.
  2. Consider what kind of job would be a good fit for your skillset and interests.
  3. Research grad programs that offer the type of job you’re interested in.
  4. Ask around and network with people in your field of interest to see if there are any openings at their company or organization. 5. Attend networking events, conferences, and workshops related to your field of study where you can meet employers who might be looking for someone like you. 
  5. Explore other careers in fields related to yours where companies may need qualified candidates. 
  6. Keep an eye out on local job boards and online classifieds on sites like Craigslist, Indeed, and Monster for positions that match what you’re looking for. 
  7. Offer yourself as a freelancer (either on websites like Fiverr or by making your own website). 
  8. Write articles for publications online, such as this one.
  9. Start a blog and monetize it by placing ads from Google Adsense all over it. 
  10. Create something useful and sell it as an ebook on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing 
  11. Offer courses through platforms such as Udemy or Skillshare 
  12. Become a virtual assistant.

Where Can I Find Alternative Income Sources?

You can find alternative income sources by looking online, talking to friends, or visiting your campus career center. 

Once you have a list of potential sources, research each one to see if it is a good fit for you. 

Consider factors such as the amount of time you have to commit, the pay, and whether or not you will enjoy the work.

Conclusion On The Best Ways To Make Money For Grad Students

There are a lot of ways to make extra money in grad school. 

You can find online surveys, start a blog, or do some freelance writing. 

You can also look into ways to start your own business. 

Whatever you decide to do, make sure you are getting the most out of your time and effort by choosing something that you are passionate about. 

The best way to make money in grad school is to find something you love and then find a way to monetize it. 

If you have an idea for a website or product, research whether there is an opportunity to make money with it and see if you have the right skills. 

If not, maybe there’s someone else who would be interested in partnering with you. If starting your own business sounds like too much work, consider other ways to make money on the side while still working towards your degree.

How To Make Money In Grad School


About Campman 203 Articles
An electrical and electronic engineer from a prestigious university of technology in Nigeria. Helping job seekers and international students get quality info about jobs and study abroad opportunities are priorities. Folks call me "Spaflous Juncky"

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