What are the Best Tools for Small Businesses in 2022?: 15 Free Small Business Tools

Best Tools for Small Businesses. Free small business tools
  • Free Small Business Tools for 2022

    As a small business owner, you wear many hats. You’re responsible for everything from marketing and sales to accounting and product development. 

    And while you may not have the budget of a big corporation, there are plenty of tools available to help you run your business effectively. 

    Below are some of the best tools for small businesses in a variety of categories. From project management and accounting to customer relationship management and website design, these tools will help you streamline your operations and boost your bottom line.

    Most of these tools are free to use but some might have few features or levels that need a subscription.

    Best Tools for Small Businesses. Free small business tools

    1) Facebook Ads:

    If you’re looking to run ads on social media but don’t have time or money for a full campaign, check out Facebook Ads. This tool allows you to target specific demographics based on location, age, gender, and interests.

    You can also use it to drive traffic back to your website or landing page by including a link in your ad copy. You will pay only when someone clicks through from Facebook to your site.

    2) Canva

    Canva is a free online design platform that’s beloved by small businesses for its simple and intuitive design interface. With a library of built-in templates and easy drag-and-drop tools, Canva is an ideal platform for creating high-quality visuals.

    3) GetResponse

    GetResponse E-commerce Marketing Automation allows you to create an automated series of emails that are personalized and relevant, thereby enhancing your ability to reach out to your audience and increasing the chances of making their purchase from you again. 

    Getresponse includes a wide range of features, such as email marketing, landing pages, webinars, Analytics, GetResponse Pop-ups, Prebuilt automation templates, Product recommendation,  etc

    Getresponse E-commerce is the best way to increase sales because it allows you to focus on your core business while automating your marketing and sales processes.

    Whether you want to increase your conversion rates or send more targeted messages based on specific customer data, GetResponse has everything you need to make your business more successful.

    4) Google My Business

    Google My Business is a free tool that allows businesses to manage their presence on Google Search and Maps. With GMB, you can claim your business listing, add photos and videos, respond to reviews, and more.

    5) MailChimp Email marketing:

    This is one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers. With its drag-and-drop editor, creating emails is simple and fun and it comes with templates that help you design eye-catching messages right away.

    6) Trello:

    Trello lets you organize projects into boards and lists, making it easy to see what needs doing at a glance. It’s perfect for small businesses because each board has its own customizable card system that lets you organize tasks into To Do, Doing, and Done.

    Trello is a simple, but powerful task management app. It’s free to use and can be used online or downloaded as an app. There are no specially mapped out ways to use Trello. 

    You can set it up, however, works best for your business and team. No matter how you use it, though, there are some incredibly powerful tools you can access by using Trello. 

    Here are just our favorites 

    1) Create a Welcome Board with step-by-step instructions on how to join your organization.

    2) Create separate boards for each project you’re working on so that everyone knows exactly what they need to do. 

    3) Use lists to keep track of projects within each board (e.g., Pending Approval, In Progress, etc.). 

    4) Make sure every member of your team has their own account and follows them on social media.

    5) Add due dates to cards so that you know when things are due. 

    6) Set up notifications for yourself and others on specific cards, lists, or boards. 

    7) Share different boards with different people depending on what needs to get done. 

    8 ) Take advantage of integrations like Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack, Evernote, Zapier, MailChimp, Buffer, Salesforce & more

    7) Google Analytics:

    It’s used to Know how many people visit your website each day, where they come from, and what they do once they’re there to give valuable insight into how well your business is performing online. 

    8) Google Apps(Google Drive):

    It’s used to store documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in one place. Then share them with team members so everyone stays on top of what’s happening.

    9) Dropbox Business:

    This works across multiple devices and operating systems and it also integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

    Dropbox Business is designed to make it easy to work together on files, share and access them from anywhere, and control what’s visible or shared. These features will help you get organized and keep your business up-to-date. Here’s how to start using Dropbox
    One of my favorite things about Dropbox Business is its ability to quickly sync changes I make to a file, no matter where I am if I have an internet connection. That means if my coworker across town makes a quick change, we can still collaborate as if we were both working with one document in real time.
    No more emailing files back and forth! And it’s easy to get started: just download and install Dropbox on your computer or mobile device. Then, follow these steps The first thing you should do is set up your team site by creating a folder within Dropbox that will hold all of your shared files. This way, you’ll be able to access everything through one central location.

    10) HubSpot CRM:

    It helps you manage contacts, leads, and sales pipeline, and it offers useful features such as lead scoring and workflows.

    How To Build My Business With HubSpot CRM

    If you’re still stuck with pen and paper to manage your business, it’s time to get yourself a CRM, short for Customer Relationship Management.

    A CRM is a software that helps you keep track of your customers, their details, and activities related to them. It can also help you strategize marketing initiatives that would help increase repeat sales and referrals.

    One of the most popular CRMs out there today is HubSpot CRM. In fact, some small businesses have reported using HubSpot as a lead generation tool to generate over $2 million in revenue per year.

    Here’s how they did it:

    1) Create a Lead Generation Funnel: First things first, if you want to use HubSpot as a lead generation tool, you need to create an effective funnel that will convert leads into customers.

    This means making sure all your forms on your website collect information about what each prospect wants from you. This might include questions like: How many employees does your company have?

    What industry do you work in? Where are you located? What services are you interested in? What’s your budget range? Once you have these answers, you can create tailored content that speaks directly to those needs.

    2) Use CTAs strategically: Next, make sure every page on your site has a CTA (call-to-action). You don’t want people getting lost on your site or bouncing away before converting because they didn’t know what to do next. For example, if someone lands on your About Us page and reads about what you offer, there should be a clear CTA asking them to schedule a demo.

    3) Get more leads by blogging: One of the best ways to get more leads is by blogging regularly. When done right, blogging can attract new visitors who wouldn’t otherwise land on your site, which means more opportunities for conversion.

    Just remember to focus on topics relevant to your target audience, rather than just writing about what you think they want to read.

    4) Make sure everything works together seamlessly: Once you’ve got everything set up, make sure everything works together seamlessly. That way, when prospects come across your site and then click through to other parts of your online presence (like social media), they won’t feel confused about where they are or what you expect from them.

    5) Measure your results: The final step is to measure your results. Are you getting more leads? What types of content do you think will resonate with readers? What’s working and what isn’t? These insights will help you tweak and improve your strategy so that eventually, every visitor becomes a customer.

    11) Slack Enterprise Grid:

    With channels dedicated to different topics, you can easily find conversations about everything from product development to office gossip.

    More than a messaging app, Slack is a collaboration hub that brings together all of your work tools, including email and file storage. You can use it to connect with colleagues both inside and outside your organization, share files or collaborate on documents, and more. Using it as a replacement for email alone can save you 2 days per week of dealing with inbox clutter.

    12) Slack Directory of Helpful Bots:

    It works From adding meeting attendees to sending GIFs, these bots let you automate common tasks and save yourself some time.

    With more than 3 million daily active users and 10 billion messages, Slack is quickly becoming a popular business tool. 

    The online messaging app allows employees to collaborate seamlessly, but it also means you need some way to keep track of everything that’s going on. To make things easier, there is a slew of helpful bots available on Slack that can serve as useful virtual assistants that help keep your organization running smoothly. 

    Below is a list of some to check out :

    • Clearbit Connect Bot: This bot automatically adds any email addresses or phone numbers sent through Slack into Salesforce, so all your team members have access to them. 
    • Wootric Chatbot: The Wootric Chatbot integrates with several other apps, including HubSpot, Zendesk, and Intercom. It helps you monitor customer satisfaction by sending surveys via chat within Slack. 
    • CircleCI Bot: This bot keeps everyone up-to-date on build statuses, providing notifications about when builds fail or succeed. It also notifies users when new versions of code are pushed to production servers and provides information about what changed in each build. 
    • Datadog Integration: If you use Datadog for application monitoring, then its integration with Slack will be a big plus. Users can get notified whenever an error occurs, which makes it easy to troubleshoot issues without having to leave Slack.

    13) Eventbrite:

    With its easy-to-use interface, you can set up an event in minutes. It’s also a great tool for selling tickets and keeping track of attendees.

    There are many ways to build your business and Eventbrite is one of them. For those who don’t know, Eventbrite is a small-business event management tool that allows you to handle all your ticketing needs with relative ease. 

    If you want to set up events, plan parties, or organize anything else that requires tickets, you can use Eventbrite. Start by setting up a free account on their website and taking advantage of their 24/7 support team.

    14) Hootsuite Insights

    Hootsuite Insights is a free social media analytics tool that provides valuable insights into your social media performance.  With Hootsuite Insights, you can track your most popular posts, identify your most engaged followers, and more.

    15) Wave Accounting

    Wave Accounting is free online accounting software for small businesses. With Wave Accounting, you can track your income and expenses, create invoices and estimates, and manage your finances with ease.

    Best Tools for Small Businesses

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    What Are The Most Important Business Tools?

    There are a lot of different business tools available to small businesses, but not all of them are equally important. 

    Here are some of the most important tools that your small business should have:

    1. A good accounting software. This will help you keep track of your finances and make sure that your books are in order.
    2. A customer relationship management (CRM) system. This will help you manage your customer data and keep track of your customer relationships.
    3. A project management tool. This will help you plan and manage your projects so that you can stay on track and meet deadlines.
    4. A marketing automation tool. This will help you automate your marketing tasks so that you can focus on other parts of your business.
    5. A social media management tool. This will help you manage your social media accounts and interact with your customers online.

    Frequently Asked Questions On Best Tools for Small Businesses

    Are There Free Tools For Small Businesses?

    YES, there are plenty of free tools available for small businesses. However, which ones are the best can vary depending on your needs.

    Some popular free options include:

    • Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for promoting your business and engaging with customers
    • Google My Business for creating a free listing and website for your business.
    • Getresponse for automating your marketing and sales processes. Used in increasing conversion rates or more targeted messages based on specific customer data.
    • Canva for creating professional designs for your marketing materials
    • Hootsuite for managing your social media accounts.
    • MailChimp for sending newsletters and other email marketing campaigns.
    • Wave Accounting for tracking your finances and bookkeeping

    Are Tools For Small Businesses Important?

    As a small business owner, you probably wear a lot of hats. You’re the CEO, the marketing department, the HR department, and maybe even the janitor. 

    With so many responsibilities, it’s easy to let some things fall by the wayside. But one thing you can’t afford to neglect is your company’s tools and equipment.

    The right tools can make all the difference in the success of your small business. They can help you save time and money, improve efficiency, and increase productivity. 

    And when it comes to choosing the best tools for your business, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

    First, consider your budget. Not all businesses have the same budget for tools and equipment, so it’s important to find something that fits within your price range. 

    Second, think about your needs. What kind of tools will help your business run more smoothly? 

    And finally, don’t be afraid to ask for advice. Talk to other small business owners or even your employees to get their input on what would be most helpful.

    Once you’ve considered these things, it’s time to start shopping around for the best tools for your small business. 

    Best Tools for Small Businesses

    What Are The Different Tools In Business?

    There are a few different tools that small businesses can use to help with organization and productivity.

    Some common tools used in business are 

    • Project Management Software
    • Customer Relationship Management Software, and 
    • Accounting Software.

    Project management software can help small businesses keep track of tasks, deadlines, and progress. 

    Customer relationship management software can help businesses manage customer data and track sales and marketing progress. 

    Accounting software can help businesses keep track of their finances and budgeting.

    Each type of tool has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the right one for your business needs. 

    Project management software may be more expensive than other types of software, but it can save time and money in the long run by keeping your project on track. 

    Customer relationship management software may have a learning curve, but it can be very helpful in managing customer data.

    Accounting software may be intimidating at first, but it’s a necessary tool for keeping track of your finances.

    No matter what type of tool you choose, make sure you do your research and pick the one that will work best for your business.

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    Why Should I Use Tools In my Business?

    So, you’re wondering why you should use tools in your business. Well, they will give you an edge that can make a difference between success and failure. Let’s face it: it doesn’t matter what business you are in, technology plays a key role.

    So why wouldn’t you take advantage of tools that make running your business easier and more efficient? 

    It is crucial to have great technology when starting a new business because, without it, there would be no way to compete with other companies. 

    In fact, most tech experts believe that using technology gives companies such as yours an edge over their competition. The advantages of using technology include better efficiency, productivity, and affordability.

    Many business owners will tell you that using tools is not their favorite part of their job. 

    At times, it can feel like too much work and cause unnecessary stress. But not all tasks are meant to be enjoyed and those that don’t seem fun or exciting can still be vitally important to your business’s long-term growth and success.

     By using tools not just any tools, but data-driven, efficient ones you will be able to operate your business more effectively than ever before. 

    These tools make life easier, help streamline processes, generate leads, manage client relationships, cut costs, and track sales.

    Can I Be Productive In My Business By Using The Best Tools For Small Businesses?

    If you own your own business or simply work with a team, productivity is of paramount importance. If there’s even one day when your tasks and goals aren’t on track, your whole team suffers. 

    Fortunately, nowadays there are a lot of tools available to help us stay organized and productive from CRMs to chatbots to task-tracking apps. We talked with small-business owners about what they consider the best tools and here’s what we found.

    In order for your company’s software to be effective you have to purchase any software solution or service, and always make sure it fits your business needs.

    What Are The Limitations Of The Best Tools For Small Businesses And Their Solutions?

    First, you need to be aware of some limitations that exist. While automation can help small businesses increase their efficiency and productivity, there are limits as to what it can do. 

    For example, technology is not a great option for projects that require creativity or brainstorming. Additionally, digital tools may not be useful when on-the-ground research is required. 

    In other words, if your company needs a face-to-face meeting with potential clients or partners, then Skype won’t work. 

    Finally, don’t forget about human error: even if your business has state-of-the-art software systems and processes in place, people will still make mistakes from time to time. 

    This means that some things just can’t be automated. All these limitations should be taken into account before you start implementing any new solutions.

    Unfortunately, every powerful tool has limitations. These tools may not work well with very large businesses or if you’re selling in more than one market. 

    They might only be free for a specific period of time Or they might require monthly fees. 

    If possible, try comparing different solutions against each other so you can see which ones offer exactly what you need at an affordable price point. 

    When choosing between different software solutions, don’t just focus on their costs make sure they align with your long-term goals as well.

    How Would A Business Tool Help My Company?

    Nowadays there are many business tools available on the internet to help you run your small business. A good business tool will give you what you need and save you time from redundant work. You can use software to monitor employee attendance and sales data or manage employees with security access easily. 

    With so many options of cloud-based technology out there, it’s sometimes hard to know which ones are best for your company’s needs. Here is a list of business tools that we think could also be useful for small businesses in 2022.

    • Salesforce

    It helps people work together more effectively to drive results while staying connected through every step of their customer journey. In addition, it gives users powerful ways to extend what they do today with its platform of apps, built by partners who share their vision for putting customers at the center of everything they do.

    • Evernote

    It is a free cloud-based service that allows users to create text notes, checklists, and voice reminders on their smartphones or computers. The notes can be synced between all devices using Evernote’s sync feature. 

    •  YouTube 

    It is a video-sharing website where users may upload, view, and share files. It was founded by three former PayPal workers in February 2005 and has been owned by Google since late 2006.

    • LinkedIn 

    This is a business-oriented social networking site that operates via websites and mobile apps. Unlike most social networks where users post public updates which are visible to everyone, LinkedIn allows members to maintain private profiles which only select other members may see.

    • Twitter 

    It’s an online news and social networking site where users may send and receive messages called tweets. Tweets were initially limited to 140 characters, however, this capacity was increased for all languages except Japanese, Korean, and Chinese on November 7, 2017.

    • Medium 

    This is a publishing platform developed by Evan Williams specifically for writing long-form articles.

    Best Tools for Small Businesses

    Are Best Tools For Small Businesses Easy To Use?

    Today most effective and popular small business tools are all easy to use. With so many business tools on the market, it can be challenging to choose which ones are going to work best for your small business. 

    When creating a technology plan, ask yourself if you will actually use these apps. Does it have an intuitive interface? Does it offer features that will save you time? Is it mobile-friendly? 

    Your ideal tool should fit seamlessly into your day-to-day operations and feel like another natural extension of yourself or your employees.

     That way, you won’t have to waste time learning how to navigate through an unfamiliar program or function. A good rule of thumb is to make sure any new app is as easy to use as a smartphone app. 

    If you need help choosing among dozens of options, reach out to a professional advisor who can provide guidance on what solutions are right for your company. 

    For example, there are software packages that allow small businesses and freelancers to process invoices online without having dedicated accounting staff.

     This saves time and money and streamlines their financial records. You may also want to consider outsourcing some functions, Depending on what your strengths are.

    Many small businesses find success by focusing on what they do best and bringing in experts when they don’t have specific skill sets themselves. 

    In addition, working with outside professionals gives you access to valuable industry knowledge that you may not already possess especially if you’re just starting out or entering a new field. 

    What Are The Costs Of The Best Tools For Small Businesses?

    The best tools for small businesses don’t have to be expensive. In fact, you can find all of them online or at your local big box store. 

    And because these new business tools tend to focus on helping users save time, many will actually end up saving you money over time by helping you get work done faster. 

    For example, internet-based teleconferencing like Zoom or UberConference is fast and easy but it also saves money because users don’t have to reserve conference rooms and coordinate travel or lodging expenses.

    Paying a few thousand dollars isn’t unusual if you want tools that will help your business succeed. The cost of software can vary widely, but some of the most basic tools to get started with are free. 

    Online task and project management apps like Trello, Asana, and Basecamp can be set up to run your small business while allowing you to stay within your budget. 

    But remember, even if these options are cheap or free, it doesn’t mean they don’t have their limitations and frustrations. As such, do your research before deciding which one best fits your needs as every business is different. 

    It’s also important to note that just because something costs money doesn’t mean it’s better than its free counterpart. For example, Wrike is a powerful tool for managing projects and tasks, but at $15 per user per month or $30 per user per month for unlimited users, it might not be right for everyone. If you aren’t sure what tool would work best, start with a free version of something simple like Google Sheets or Excel. 

    These tools are easy to use and will give you an idea of what works well without breaking your bank account.

    Why Do I Need Tools For Small Businesses In My Company?

    The tools used by a small business are mainly used to increase productivity and efficiency. Since most of these businesses operate independently, there is no need to integrate multiple tools into a company’s workflows. 

    Furthermore, when technology advancements are made, small businesses can adapt and capitalize on them much faster than larger companies. 

    For example, mobile devices have been around since 2003. In 2017, more than 55% of small businesses adopted them as their primary means of communicating with clients. 

    Additionally, 75% of these companies use cloud-based storage (Dropbox) and almost everyone uses email marketing. 

    These results indicate that smaller enterprises have been quicker to adopt emerging technologies such as mobile devices and cloud-based storage. 

    When you consider how quickly an enterprise has to be able to react to market trends, it makes sense why small businesses would prefer having fewer tools integrated into their operations.

About Campman 203 Articles
An electrical and electronic engineer from a prestigious university of technology in Nigeria. Helping job seekers and international students get quality info about jobs and study abroad opportunities are priorities. Folks call me "Spaflous Juncky"

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