15 Best Paying Jobs for Investment Managers In 2022 – Apply Now

15 Best Paying Jobs for Investment Managers In 2022

Investment managers are typically employed by businesses and people with investment plans or who have other financial goals. Investment managers have always been in demand over the years. Yet, this demand tends to be greater when there is a recession, when interest rates are low, and when investment returns are high.

The majority of investment managers work full-time in spacious offices with inviting spaces like offices, conference rooms, and cubicle areas.

They regularly get together with coworkers to talk about aspects of the financial market, present investing approaches, or suggest new investments.

What kind of earnings are possible as an investment manager? What kind of employment should you seek? In this article, we’ll provide answers to some of these and other questions.

Is being an investment Manager a Wise Career Move?

For people who appreciate dealing with data, figures, and financial models, being an investment manager is a wonderful career choice. They support businesses and people with their stock market investments.

To locate the best investment options for their clients, these experts put forth a lot of effort. They offer suggestions on how much money to invest and for how long.

If they have a lot of experience, they can make a good living. Also, some businesses reward their staff members depending on their productivity and outcomes.

Investment managers are the individuals in charge of other people’s money. They essentially act as the wealth gatekeepers for their clients. An investment manager’s job is to invest their client’s money in a variety of assets in order to manage and increase it.

What Are the Benefits of A Career in Investment Managers?

There are several advantages to pursuing a career as an investment manager, and the career path can be quite rewarding.

Good Pay

The average annual salary for investment managers is $132,000, which is substantially higher than the average for most other occupations. Depending on your employment and educational background, you may be able to increase your income.

Dealing with wealthier individuals

Due to the fact that investment managers are typically only available to wealthy clients who can afford them, the majority of individuals don’t have enough money to hire one. This is a fantastic job choice if you want to work with wealthy individuals because it will give you access to wealthy clientele who need financial guidance.

Engaging in Financial Market Activity

Being exposed to financial markets while working as an investment manager is another advantage. This exposure can help you prepare for other financial careers, such as becoming an investor or hedge fund manager later on after gaining experience managing other people’s money before managing your own funds.

What Are The Best Paying Jobs in Investment Managers?

Some of the best-paying jobs for investment managers include:

  • Portfolio Manager
  • Business Development Manager
  • Financial Manager
  • Investment Banking Associate
  • Investment Analyst
  • Investment Product Manager
  • Equity Research Analyst
  • Financial Trader
  • Financial Analyst
  • Stockbroker
  • Economic Analyst
  • Risk analyst
  • Trading Assistant
  • Credit Analyst
  • Underwriter

Portfolio Manager

Assets, investments, and a fund’s financial situation are managed by portfolio managers.

They are accountable for the performance of the investments they create for customers. In order to optimize client earnings, portfolio managers must be able to make precise projections.

A portfolio manager makes an average of $80,000 a year. This number can change depending on the place a person lives in and whether or not they are a self-employed person.

Business Development Manager

The business development manager assists a company in expanding into new markets and cultivating partnerships with other companies. They are in charge of seeing opportunities and making plans to take advantage of them while also allowing the business to expand and gain more customers.

Managers of business development are typically required to travel frequently and understand several languages. They also need to be effective communicators because they spend a lot of time interacting with clients and colleagues on various initiatives.

The median annual compensation for business development managers is $130,000.

Financial Manager

The responsibility of a financial manager is to oversee the business, organization, or company’s money. They make sure that the money is used on worthwhile and important items. Their primary objective is to make sure you can keep track of all your spending so you don’t overspend.

The daily management of a company’s finances must be planned and carried out by financial managers. They are responsible for supervising all facets of investment management, such as choosing stocks and bonds, managing portfolios, and making sure that funds are wisely allocated among various asset classes.

The average annual pay for a financial manager is $135,000, but you can make much more money if you work in the correct field and have the necessary skills.

Investment Banking Associate

A junior position in investment banking is called an associate post. The many components of mergers, acquisitions, and capital raising are carried out by associates. They are accountable for transaction research and analysis, deal strategy development, due diligence on businesses they are considering buying or investing in, and helping senior colleagues with their tasks.

Associates frequently begin their careers by assisting with term sheets or pitch books (documents that describe the business’s operations, its valuation, and prospective purchasers), after which they move on to help with other M&A-related tasks including negotiations or the production of legal documents.

An investment banking associate’s annual compensation is typically $150,000. But, depending on the company you work for and the city you live in, this figure may be greater.

Investment Analyst

You will be in charge of advising clients on which stocks, bonds, and other securities to buy and sell in this capacity. Making reports about the success of various businesses and industries can also fall under your purview.

Financial industry professionals that work as investment analysts assist investors in making financial decisions. They might accomplish this by researching market trends, developing investment plans for customers, or carrying out other duties.

The compensation of investment analysts varies by the company they work for. The annual average pay is $70,00.

Investment Product Manager

Managers of investment products deal with more than just stocks. They could be in charge of creating and promoting mutual funds to customers.

This can involve product development, sales, and marketing to help individuals understand what they want from an investment vehicle.

Portfolio managers at the company have connections with product managers as well. They assist in choosing the investments the company will make and how to organize those investments to fulfill the interests of clients.

One of the highest-paying positions in the financial services sector is that of an investment product manager. A typical salary is in the $70,000–$90,000 range.

Equity Research Analyst

You will be in charge of advising investors and investment firms on the worth of a specific stock in your capacity as an equity research analyst. Doing market research, examining financial statements, and preparing reports on your findings can be among your duties.

You must also assess which equities carry the most risk and how likely it is that their value will rise over time.

You could work for a financial institution or investment firm as an equities research analyst. If you enjoy examining financial data and advising clients on which companies would make good investments, this might be a fulfilling career.

Financial Trader

One of the highest-paying careers in the investment management sector is that of a financial trader.

The purchasing and selling of securities, including stocks and bonds, is the responsibility of financial traders. They buy stocks at bargain prices and sell them at premium prices using their understanding of the financial markets, generating income for both themselves and their employers.

The work of a financial trader entails making bets on changes in the value of commodities, currencies, and securities. Either trading on an exchange or over-the-counter transactions are options for doing this.

Financial traders often make roughly $80,000 per year.

Financial Analyst

The collective minds of finance, financial analysts assist frame and mold how businesses perceive their operations. They create financial models that assist businesses in predicting future revenue and spending trends as well as the amount of cash that will be available for dividends or investments.

Investment managers at banks or other financial organizations frequently employ financial analysts. Many financial analysts also work for hedge funds, private equity firms, or businesses attempting to enter new industries.

Depending on region and experience, a financial analyst’s compensation might range from $65,000 to $120,000 annually.


On behalf of investors, stockbrokers are in charge of buying and selling stocks, bonds, and other financial products. They might also offer their clients investing advice. Stock brokers frequently work in brokerages or banks and are compensated with commissions for each sale.

One of the most significant duties of stockbrokers is assisting clients in achieving their financial objectives by identifying suitable investment possibilities.

The level of risk associated with each investment must also be known in order to provide sound advise.

Stockbrokers make an average of $60,000 a year.

Economic Analyst

Economic analysts research the economy and offer their predictions about how it will impact businesses and sectors. They offer investing advice, provide economic trend forecasts, and market positioning suggestions for businesses.

An economic analyst’s responsibilities include things like:

  • Analysis of future company activity trends from economic data sources including real estate statistics and labor reports.
  • Based on current knowledge regarding current conditions and future expectations, projections for significant market sectors, such as manufacturing or retail sales, are created.

A economic analyst makes, on average, $104,100 a year.

Risk Analyst

One of the highest-paying positions for investment managers in the financial services sector is risk analyst. Risk analysts are in charge of evaluating hazards and offering management advice.

They will require excellent communication and analytical skills to accomplish this. Often, these experts hold degrees in finance, economics, or mathematics. However other entry-level jobs could merely need a bachelor’s degree in any subject.

The highest paying professions in this industry are risk analyst positions at major banks or insurance firms, where annual compensation can range from $95k to 145k depending on amount of experience.

The highest-paying employment in this industry are risk analyst positions at major banks or insurance firms, where annual wages can range from $81k to $145k, depending on amount of expertise.

Trading Assistant

You will support the traders and brokers on their teams as a trading assistant. Don’t bother applying if you believe this position might not be right for you because it is competitive and extremely stressful because you will be working with large quantities of money and under pressure from deadlines.

However individuals that are qualified can make a lot of money in this position; some even make hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

The typical salary for a trading assistant is $50,000 per year.

Credit Analyst

A corporation requesting a loan or other kind of credit must be evaluated by a credit analyst. The likelihood that the borrower will not repay the loan must be determined by the analyst.

The analyst may also determine if a business will be able to repay its obligations in the event of unanticipated circumstances or whether it has enough assets to meet its liabilities.

A credit analyst makes $55,000 on average yearly.


By weighing the risks and rewards of an investment, an underwriter ensures that it is secure for investors. The company’s financial accounts, anticipated sales and earnings, and the feasibility of its business model are all taken into consideration in this process.

The amount of money that should be invested in a firm and the level of risk associated with that investment are both determined by underwriters. They also decide how much should be charged for handling the risk associated with investing in a specific business or item.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ideal setting for an investment banker to work?
The companies Centerview Partners, Evercore, and Bank of America are all excellent choices for an investment banking job.

Which investing company offers the best pay?
One of the largest and highest paying investing firms in the world is JPMorgan Chase & Co. The company’s headquarters are in New York City, where it was established in 2000.

Is the finance industry profitable?
Yes, of course! One of the sectors of our economy with the quickest growth is finance. Because it enables firms to profit by investing in other businesses, it is also one of the most significant.


I hope you found our list of the highest paying positions for investment managers to be useful. To give you a better understanding of what these occupations entail and what you should be looking for if you want to pursue one of them, we will be examining these jobs and the abilities that they require in more detail in upcoming articles.

About Campman 203 Articles
An electrical and electronic engineer from a prestigious university of technology in Nigeria. Helping job seekers and international students get quality info about jobs and study abroad opportunities are priorities. Folks call me "Spaflous Juncky"

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